

= resistance
to oppose the strategies of “The Prince”
virus, trojan horse, worm, bomb, back door

= trojan horse
to break security or damage a system

= worm
propagates itself over a network

= bomb
to perform some destructive or security-compromising activity

= back door
A hole in the security of a system deliberately left in place by designers or

= open-source
more democratic by being made more “free” or “open”?
the (re)construction of foundational tools or infrastructural “architectural”


= surveillance
close watch kept over someone or something
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

= technology of sur- today
example: Viisage & Superbowl XXXV

= surveillance model
is built upon visual metaphors and derives from historical experiences of secret
police surveillance

= What divides public and privacy?
Perhaps it is 'How many people knows about'. Because privacy is the fact,
thinking, action not known to many people. And public is the fact, thinking,
action well known to many people.

= Lessig on architecture
Life where less is monitored is a life more private; and life where less can
(legally perhaps) be searched is also a life more private


= ratio of the senses
not only among our private senses, but among themselves
Radio changed the form of the news story as much as it altered the film image in
the talkies.
It is the poets and painters who react instantly to a new medium like radio or TV

= biopolitics
politics carried out through the means, the techniques and technologies of health
and illness, statistics, the census, epidemiology and demography, the science of
race, eugenics, population, abortion, genomics, and new reproductive technologies.

= cyborg
A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid machine and organism, a creature of
social reality as well as a creature of fiction

= cyborg politics
a means of short-circuiting differences of identity and institutional boundaries.
perfect communication, against the one code that translates all meaning perfectly,
the central dogma of phallogocentrism

= Donna Haraway
My work has always been about what counts as nature

Computer Game

= game engine
graphics, physics, ai, ...and a lot more

= Mod
It is the shorter name of 'modification'. It is used in fps games, rpg games, and
so on. These are tool of items, characters, etc like a 'Make a new soldier'
in 'Three kingdoms' by Koei.

= History of computer game...
In 1980s, Atari and NES appear to stage of game consoles. And many arcade video
game rooms are made in 1980s.

= Issues of games from film theory
identification, space

= video games as
metaphysical machines, perfect mirrors, drugs, contests
from Sherry Turkle, “Video Games and Computer Holding Power”

= games and gender
Girl space is a space of secrets and romance, a space of one’s own in a world
which offers you far too little room to explore.”


CSCW is Computer Supported Cooperative Work.
a field of research and design.
ex: CAD/CAM, ABB Powerwall, Drug Design)

= design as conversation construction
a network of recurrent conversations
conversations are linked in regular patterns of triggering and breakdown
in creating tools we are designing new conversations and connections
computers are a tool for conducting the network of conversations

= model of conversation
conversations are sequences of actions because by saying things people are
understood to be doing things

= Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas
and relationships.

= architecture of cyberspace
consider the hardware and software that links together (or separates) groups of

Human Computer Interaction

= People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were

= Human-computer interactions as tools
Vannevar Bush: memex
J.C.R. Licklider: computer networking, agents
Ivan Sutherland: sketchpad
Doug Engelbart: mouse, GUI, word processing, etc.
Ted Nelson: hypertext
Alan Kay: object-oriented programming, laptops,

= Human-Computer Interaction works
Human think how interact with computer. Then they design interact program/devices.
And they input information of their interacting system to computer. Computer
recognizes the information by human. and they turn out information turned on by

= Design
a tool builder for human “users” or “operators” of our tools.
have goals and intentions, then we will design like an artificial intelligence

= Problem of Weizenbaum’s ELIZA system address or solve
the artificial intelligence answer: it does (or does not) behave like a human and
is therefore successful (or not successful)
the ethnomethodology answer: it is taken to be a like a person in a conversation
and thus simply works like most other technologies in a social situation


Artificial Intelligence

= Alan Turing
founder of computer science and artificial intelligence.
mathematican philosopher, and codebreaker.

= Imitation game
The question is what will happen when a machine displaces the man in that game and
more question-If machine can think.

= Artificial intelligence
Marvin Minsky. Artificial intellilgence is the science of making
machines do things.

= Research areas of A.I.
The area is knowledge Representation, programming languages, Natural Language
Understanding, Speech Understanding, Vision, Robotics, Machine Learning,
Plannig......and so on.

It is a computer program for theorems proof, geometric problems and chess playing.
but they have the 'frame problem'. The frame problem is that of deciding what
parts of the internal model to update when a charge is made to the model of the
external world.

= Talespin
It is the Metanovel of computer. But the problem is Talespin missed some common

It is the computer program for the study of matural language communication between
Man and Machine.


social networks

point 1_
New media technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.

point 2_
When new media technologies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and economic relationships.

social networks as science: field_
social network analysis is an interdisciplinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists;

social networks as science: history_
Stanley Milgram (1967) “The Small World Problem,”
Mark Granovetter, “The Strength of Weak Ties”

social networks as technology_



2008.3.28 www


1. World Wide Web

www is a collaboratively authored hypertext.
www is a standard.
www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines.

2. Universal Resource Identifier
There's two branch in URI. One is URL and the other is URN.
URL is an uniform resource locator.

3. HyperText Markup Language
It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a document
by denoting certain text as links, headings, paragraphs, lists, and so on

4. HyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTP is a way of formatting and transmitting messages on the Internet.



Before this class, I found the meaning of "Hypertext".
This is the hypertext. Hypertext is that surfacing above information like a superconductor. Because of this phenomenon we can find correct information quickly. Each nods are connected into network, so we can search effectively.

The meaning of 'Media' is so wide. Everything can be a media. But "Digital Media is little different. Digital media is simulate old media. But do not replace old media. It displace old media.

Tristan Tzara's recipe for composing a poem
"Cut-ups" was so interesting to me. It is so creative. No one can know what would be made.

Learning the history of computer was good. Almost everyday I use competer and computer is the best important invent in our age. But I didn't wonder of computer's history.
Elgelbart was a genious and he made us live. Human intellect is the most amazing thing.
It can do anything. We should develope this more and more.

Hypertext: One way that digital media has been understood is as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.

I didn't understand about new forms of writing, reading and thinking by hypertext.
I had a cold so I could not concentrate on this lecture because of medicine.
I hope to know about that in next class.

Thank you and goodbye.

lecture 03.12 & 14 .2008 introduction

There are 2 key points in the media. First thing is that 'Digital media technologies [connect] or [separate] people, they become media. Second thing is that 'Technologies [embody] social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.
For example, in the past, there is no paint so artists had to make paint with color powder and egg white. The egg white connects wall and color powder. This is the media of connecting.
There're more examples. Car separates space into inside and outside. And car separates life and death. Car connects owner and his(her) rich. If we see expensive car like EQUUS, we think that the owner of car would be a rich person. If we see a van on the street, we wonder who super star in the car. Cause super stars usually has van. These connecting and separating characteristics are in the media.

george boole: “an investigation into the laws of thought” (1847)
He made the foundation of computer science by the binary scale. It became very important basic in the age of computer science.

the two building blocks of computers
1.switches: a steering element that can combine multiple signals into a single signal
2.connectors: the connecting element must have the ability to branch , so that a single output can feed many inputs.
These concepts can be understand easily through 'hydraulic valves: hot/cold water'.

•Vannevar Bush, “As We May Think,” Atlantic Monthly, 176(1): 101-108 (July 1945)
In that time, there're so many information. But there's no system can arrange messy information effectively. Because of absence of the system, they should spend much time (or even money) to find out some information. So Bush thought Memex. The Memex was based on Bush's work during 1938-1940 developing an improved photoelectric microfilm selector.

- what is creative thought?
I think creative thought is that no one can think easily. It would be shocking. But it is actually based on common thought (correct information).

–what is intuitive judgement?
Intuitive judgement is based on experience. We almost ignore this intuitive thought, but it is very important in our life. Women's intuitive feeling of her man has amazing exactitude.

In this calss, I learned the concept of 'media' that I think as an abstract one.
It was very hard time to me to learn unfamiliar concepts in English.
But I learned a lot about media and I very appreciate Dr.yoon.

Thank you.